CAR Motion Tally Site

Tally sheet to collect responses to the 12 motions for consideration at the 2025 interim WSC.

Got to the Tally Sheet Form


Need Help?

If you find that you cannot stop using drugs, give yourself a break, you are not alone. We have all been where you are and have found freedom through Narcotics Anonymous. We suggest that you find a meeting and join us on this journey of recovery.

For Professionals

If you are a counselor, healthcare professional or a member of the legal profession and think that Narcotics Anonymous could be an asset to your clients, take a moment to access some of our resources for professionals.

Come join the fellowship at

Event Flyer
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 6:00pm
Spring Event

Spring Event

-Cake Walk


-Guest Speaker


Food - Fun - Fellowship

2929 E. Common St.
New Braunfels, TX 78130

Our Regional Convention

Tejas Bluebonnet Regional Convention is held every year for more information.

Upcoming Events

Adopt An Inmate

Hands through prison bars

The Adopt An Inmate subcommittee provides copies of the book, Narcotics Anonymous, commonly refered to as our "Basic Text", to offenders in jails and prisons within our Region's boundaries. Books are also sent to patients in other long term treatment facilities. The incarcerated person need only request the book be sent.

Download the Flyer

Make a Donation

Narcotics Anonymous Texas

NATX logo

A professional resource to create an interface between the service committees of Narcotics Anonymous and professionals in the community.

This is a collaborative effort among all regions of Texas.

Visit Website

See the flyer